Our challenge to the SDGs
KOKEN appreciates the SDGs which the United Nations proclaims. We select the themes for which our businesses can make a contribution from 17 goals and 169 targets to achieve a more sustainable future and we will move our activity forward.
Examples of activities of KOKEN
Geotechnical engineering : Anchoring

Anchoring is one of the methods frequently employed since long ago to build foundation of our land more resistible. KOKEN has long been developing drill rigs for anchoring and trying to make its techniques tougher, faster and simpler. Now, we’re in the midst of ages when we can’t ignore deterioration of infrastructure anymore, so we’re determined to tackle development of brand-new equipment and drilling techniques and we will contribute to creation of employment through encouraging sustainable reinforcement of infrastructure and reduction of economic inequality triggered by inequality of ground strength by preventing ground deterioration such as liquefaction.

Drilling robot (Labor saving)

The bottle neck of drilling operations is that it’d directly have impact to the quality of construction whether the operator has experience enough or not. Drilling contractors depend on experience and intuition for operations such as connecting rods, flushing drill holes and drilling, and the know-how will never be shared. KOKEN challenges to relieve drilling operation of physical limitations and get rid of limitations of a gender difference. At the same time, this attempt will contribute to managing labor force more effectively by reducing them on job site.

Tunnels for the Liner Chuo Shinkansen (Horizontal Directional Drilling)

Development of the Liner Shinkansen is expected to be a considerable boost for creation of new employment and new economic activity through improved access to areas with limited accessibility. Many more people can enjoy opportunities for their new employment if more cities are connected with high speed rail ways all around Japan. KOKEN is contributing to the development of the Liner Chuo Shinkansen, which has great potential to achieve quick access for many areas by developing HDD equipment for geotechnical survey. In addition, this project requires a variety of companies with excellent experience and technology to participate in for its completion, so it’ll also offer a lot of opportunities for participants to exchange their technology.

Use of deep groundwater (wells)

The risk of relying solely on public water supply has been recognized through recent disasters. KOKEN’s deep groundwater utilization project is introduced in many places that has the advantages to the protection of water quality from contamination by the membrane filtration systems, and to the minimization of the initial cost by our proposing an affordable introduction plan. Through our business of supplying safe water to many people by high-performance filters, such as deep underground filters -natural- and membrane filtration -artificial-, we are contributing to the prevention of diseases caused by polluted water and to the management of water supply in times of disaster. This business has been supported by many companies and local governments.

Program for Supporting SDGs Business and Japanese SMEs

The “Survey for Sustainable water supply system by E-Money in Malawi,” which we applied for, was adopted at the second “Program for Supporting SDGs Business and Japanese SMEs” of the International Cooperation Organization (JICA) in fiscal 2019. This project is expected to improve the water access rate of local residents, reduce the pumping labor of women and children, and the percentage of water-related illnesses caused by drinking unsanitary water, thus contributing to the SDGs Goal 6 “CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION”.